2020-21 D89 Club Coach Recruitment 招募89大区演讲会教练

Last Name 姓:
First Name 名:
Email 电邮:
TI Membership No. 会员号码 :
Whatsapp / Wechat 微信:
Home Club (Please enter one if you are a member of more than one club) 你的俱乐部(如多於一间请填其中一间):
Which city are you currently residing in? (for matching TM club's location) 你身处的城市 (以配对演讲会):
No. of years being a Toastmaster 在头马的年资:
TI Education Award achieved 在头马的教育资历, 如DTM, PM4:
Training Session to attend参加以下演讲会教练培训︰

All prospective club coaches will need to complete and return an online assessment by email after completing training. Please check email for details. 所有準俱乐部教练在完成培训后都需要通过电子邮件完成并寄回在线评估。请查看电子邮件了解详情。
Attend Online Live Training on 26 March (Fri) 8-9:30pm 参与3月26日(五)8时至9时半的实时培训
Attend Online Recording Training before 2 April (Fri) 于4月2日(五)前完成收看教练培训内容视频
What motivates you to be a Club Coach? (Check all that apply) 什么原因推动你成为演讲会教练呢? (可选多于一项)【多选题】
Strive for DTM 争取 DTM
Expand personal network 扩展个人网络
Challenge myself 挑战自己
Willing to serve and help others 期待为他人服务和帮助他人
Try something new 尝试新的东西
Personal growth and learning 个人成长和学习
Anything else you'd like us to take note of? 其它补充资料你希望告诉我们的?