2024 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen) – Booth Application Form

- Venue -
Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Baoan District)

- Date -
4-6 December 2024

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Terms & Conditions

*We hereby apply for joining the 2024 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen).
*We agree to abide by the “Terms of Application and Exhibition Rules & Regulations” set out by the Organizer. We understand that the Organizer have the right to make use of the information provided in this application, or pass to third parties, for the promotion purpose of the 2024 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)  .

Part 1: General guide to exhibitors
1)  Only submission through the online platform will be accepted. Physical application form or email application will not be accepted.
2)  The online platform will open at 9:30 am on 7 December 2023.
3)  Each company can only submit application once only. The later submission will be counted in case of duplicated application.
4)  After submitting theapplication online, exhibitors will receive an automatic confirmation email(without booth priority number), Please check the information carefully and donot reply to the email. If exhibitors do not receive the email, please checkSpam folder. A SMS notification will be sent to the China Mainland mobilenumber provided by the exhibitor at the time of application.
5) Forany increase or decrease on the number of booth(s) applied, exhibitors arerequired to fill out a new online booth application form. Booth selectionpriority number will be rearranged based on the latest booth area, exhibitoridentity, participation point (2018-2023 (December Show)) and the date and timeof the latest booth application form. The original booth selection prioritynumber will be invalidated.
6)December 2023 Show Exhibitors must fill in correct booth no. of December 2023 Show during submitting booth application form, The booth selection priority number will be assigned after verification. In case of submitted information mismatch with organizer’s record, the Organizer reserves the right to treat that exhibitors as non December 2023 Show Exhibitors.
7)  Co-exhibiting application should be submitted by main exhibitors. The main exhibitors should apply total no. of booth with co-exhibitors’ contact information at once. In case of adding/changing new co-exhibitors after application, the main exhibitor has to re-submit the booth application form and only the latest submission will be considered. Documents showing the business relationships between the main exhibitor and the co-exhibitors are required: Parent and Subsidiary Company/Majority Shareholder of main exhibitor or Agency and Manufacturer relationship. Exhibits displayed at their booths must be related. Both co-exhibitors and main exhibitor must agree to abide by the rules & regulations set by the Organizer. For details, please contact the Event Manager. The Organizer reserves the final right to accept or reject the applications.
8)  For co-exhibiting application, only main exhibitors’ participation point will be counted. The 2024 Show participation point will be gained by main exhibitors only.
9)  Co-Exhibitors’ Booth Requirements (Included the Main Exhibitor):
    * 2 Companies: 12-60 Booths
    * 3 Companies: 21-60 Booths
    * 4 Companies: 42-60 Booths
    * 5 Companies: 50-60 Booths
    ** 6 Companies or above: Not Applicable

Part 2. Participation Fee & Discount

1) 10% “Early Bird Discount” only applies to the number of booths reserved during 7 December 2023 - 15 January 2024 (Until 15 January 23:59). Extra booth(s) applied or reserved on or after 16 January is/are not entitled to the discount.
2)10% “Early Bird Discount” will be forfeited if exhibitors reduce the number of booth(s) on or after 16 January 2024 or exhibitors fail to settle the booth rental deposit before April 2024.

* The Organizer reserves the final right on booth allocation and other related arrangements.

For any enquiries, please contact:
Organizer: HKPCA
Event Manager: Baobab Tree Event Management Co., Ltd.
Email: info@hkpcashow.org
Tel: (86) 133 6057 8272 /  (86) 133 6057 7973 / (852) 3520 3612
Wechat: (86) 133 6057 7973
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