
2024 Tongji Summer School Application Form
(For Individuals from outside of HUST)

姓名 Name

The name will be shown on your completion certificate after you finish the courses.
Please use this name during the whole process of 2024 Tongji Summer School, including registration, sign-in, homework, etc.
If you choose to attend online courses, please use this name as your username.
If the sign-in record is missing due to inconsistent use of name, the consequences shall be borne by yourself.
性别 Gender
男 Male
女 Female
不愿透露 Prefer not to say
照片 Photo
国籍(国家/地区) Nationality(Country/Region)
现居地 Country or region where you are currently living
邮箱 E-mail
邮箱确认 Please enter your E-mail again
手机号码 Mobile Number
手机号码确认 Please enter your Mobile Number again
学校 University
院系 School/Department
专业 Program/Major
学历 Level of Education
在读本科生 Undergraduate
在读研究生 Postgraduate
在读博士生 Doctor Candidate
博士后 Post-doctor
其他 Others
目前职业 Your Current Career
英语成绩 English Level【Choose at least 1 item】
大学英语四级 CET-4
大学英语六级 CET-6
其他 Others
Instructions(Please read carefully before you select the courses)
Each course can be taken either [Online] or [Onsite]. 

If you choose to take the course [Online], the ZOOM or VooV Meeting platform will be used. The details will be informed before the course starts.
*Attention: Please be sure to use your registration name as your username all the time during the online courses to avoid affecting your sign-in records.

If you choose to take the course [Onsite], the onsite course location will be at Tongji Medical College of HUST. Due to the limited quota, if a course is over-subscribed for [Onsite], some students will be arranged to [Online] courses, decided by the department that offers the course.

If you want to select more than one course, please pay attention if the time of the courses is overlapped. One student can only join one course at the same time.

No matter what form of course you choose to attend, you must sign-in according to the requirements of the teaching assistant. Students who have reached the required length of study will receive the certificate of completion of the course.
我已仔细阅读并知晓上述选课说明。I have carefully read and understood the above instructions for course selection.
选课 Courses Selected【Choose at least 1 item】
Please read the relevant requirements in [Course Details] carefully before choosing a course.
7月8-12日上午 July 8-12 Morning
全球健康:不断变化的格局 Global Health: A Changing Landscape
医学论文写作 Scientific Writing
营养流行病学:方法与实践 Nutritional Epidemiology: Methods and Practice
7月8-12日下午 July 8-12 Afternoon
流行病学的临床应用 Clinical Applications of Epidemiology
7月15-19日上午 July 15-19 Morning
遗传和基因组大数据的统计计算分析 Advanced Statistical and Computational Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data
遗传和分子流行病学(一)Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology 1
7月15-19日下午 July 15-19 Afternoon
遗传和分子流行病学(二)Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology 2
7月22-24日全天 July 22-24 All-day
医学概念视角下的姑息关怀 Palliative Care as a Medical Concept

How did you learn about "2024 Tongji Summer School"?
“同济暑期学校”官网 Official website of Tongji Summer School
“同济医学院”官网 Official website of Tongji Medical College
“华科大全球暑期学校”相关介绍 Introduction of "HUST Global Summer School"
“全球华科大”微信公众号 Wechat official account of HUST International
朋友推荐 Recommended by friends
老师推荐 Recommended by teachers
学校推荐 Recommended by my institute
其他 Others

I guarantee that the content above is true and accurate. I will take responsibility for any falsification.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of 2024 Tongji Summer School, please make the following commitments:

1. 请在上课时打开静音模式,并遵守课堂规则。
1. Please turn on the mute mode during class. Please obey the classroom rules.

2. 同济暑期学校为个人学习而设计,不允许录屏或传播课程材料,任何课程材料都不允许用于商业目的。
2. Tongji Summer School is designed for personal learning. No screen recording or courseware dissemination is permitted. No material is allowed to be used for commercial purposes.

3. 报名同济暑期学校,将默认同意主办方将包含您肖像的影像、照片和其他肖像复制品用于宣传。
3. When you sign up for the 2024 Tongji Summer School, you are tacitly agreeing to the use of images, photographs, and other reproductions of your image by the organizers for promotional purposes.

4. 参与同济暑期学校期间,需全程使用报名表中登记的姓名,包括报名、签到、(线上课程)用户名、作业等。如因姓名使用不一致导致签到记录缺失,后果由学员自负。
4. Please use the registration name during the whole process of 2024 Tongji Summer School, including registration, sign-in, online username, homework, etc. If the record is missing due to inconsistent use of name, the consequences shall be borne by the student.

申请人签名  Signature:
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