The International CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel is hosting an online workshop series targeting our understanding of internal and externally forced variability in the climate system and their interaction on decadal timescales and longer. We invite submissions on the topic with the aim of tackling the following overarching questions:
• How to isolate the relative contribution and interaction in space and time?
• How do various external forcings modulate internal variability with regard to their spatial pattern and temporal characteristics?
• Where are the major uncertainties in external forcing and the representation of internal variability?
• How might we improve the representation of internal and externally forced variability in models and prediction systems?
We welcome studies based on models, theory, historical and proxy observations, novel methods (e.g., ensemble paleoclimate reanalysis)
The workshop will consist of 6 weekly sessions from September 12th to October 21st, including 4 oral sessions, 1 poster session and 1 final panel discussion. The goal of this workshop is to foster discussion that will stimulate focused research on this important topic.
The registration system will be closed on 31 May at 12:00 PM UTC. We will announce you the result of the abstract by the end of June. The detailed program will be released in July.
Organizing committee
• Sarah Kang (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
• Noel Keenlyside (University of Bergen)
• Juliette Mignot (IRD/Sorbonne Université)
• Natalie Burls (GMU College of Science)
• Alexey Karpechko (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
• Michael Byrne (Univ. St Andrews)
Evaluation object score