
世界当代音乐家协会(Association for World Contemporary Musicians)注册成立于俄罗斯联邦。协会成员由世界各地的音乐家、教育家,钢琴家、歌唱家、演奏家、作曲家、以及文化艺术工作者组成。本协会是以团结世界各国艺术家自愿加入的非营利性国际音乐学术教育专业组织。
The Association for World Contemporary Musicians was registered and established in the Russian Federation. The members of the association are composed of musicians, educators, pianists, singers, performers, composers, and cultural and artistic workers from all over the world. This association is a non-profit international music academic education professional organization that unites artists from all over the world to join voluntarily.

* 机构名称/Name of Organization
* 成立时间/Date of Establishment
* 机构人数/Number of People
* 机构类别/Type of Organization
* 机构性质/Organizational Attribute
* 通讯地址/Mail Address
邮编/Postal Code
* 联系电话/Phone Number
* 主营业务/Main Business
* 所属行业/Industry
注册资金/Registered Capital
* 营业执照注册号/Business license registration number
* 主要负责人/Principal Responsible Person
* 电话/Phone Number
机构网址/Website of Organization
* 机构简介/Introduction of Organization
入会理由/Reason of Joining
* 申请内容/Application Content
We voluntarily apply to join the China Europe International Art Society recognize the association's charter, fulfill the membership obligations, pay the dues on time, and actively participate in the activities of the association.
* 备注:
1、 企业营业执照复印件或事业注册登记证复印件1份;
2、 法人代表及主要负责人有效证件复印件1份;
3、 主要负责人一寸彩照2张。
When submitting the application form, you must submit it at the same time:
1. A copy of the business license or a copy of the business registration certificate;
2. A copy of the proper identification of the legal representative and the principal responsible person;
3. Two one-inch color photos of the principal responsible person。
4.Please fill in the form and pay the dues for the current year.


备注:填表同时请支付会费,年费1980元/年,永久会员为9800元。支付时请备注好姓名+年/永久会费。Note: Please fill in the form and pay the dues for the current year.The annual fee is 1980yuan per year and the permanent membership is 9800yuan .

* 请上传缴费凭证
Please upload your payment voucher