Application Form of 2021 SWUFE Chinese Bridge Program

Dear applicant,
SWUFE now releases 2021 Fall “Chinese Bridge” Delegation Online Program. This program period is from Nov.21st, 2021 to Dec. 3rd, 2021. This program is free charge and application deadline is set on Nov.20th, 2021.  We warmly welcome your application! This online questionnaire is only for application review. We will keep the information of your privacy. Since this program has quota of participants, we will inform the final result to every applicants  before Nov.21st, 2021.
1.基本信息/Basic information
* 护照姓/Surname in Passport:
* 护照名/Given Name in Passport:
中文姓名/Chinese Name:
* 性别/Gender:
* 出生日期/Date of Birth:
* 国籍/Nationality:
* 证件类型/ID Type
* 护照号码/证件号码 Passport No./ID Card No.
* 婚姻状况/Marital Status:
* 宗教/Religion:
* 联系电话/Mobile:
* 电子邮箱/E-mail
语言能力/Language Proficiency
* 母语/Native Language:
* 中文/Chinese:
* 是否参加过HSK考试/Have you ever taken an official HSK test?
教育背景和工作经历/Education Background & Work Experience 
* 目前状态/Current personal circumstances:
*  Current School/Work Place  当前学校/工作单位
* 前置学位信息/Info of the Highest Education:
最后学历/Education Level
* 是否是孔子学院学员/Have you ever studied Chinese in Confucius Institute?
* 是否中文系/Do you majored in Chinese language?
* 是否有汉语教师任职经历/Have you ever been a Chinese language teacher at school?