【2021S FLD App】Keru Programs Application Form (Participating Students Only)

Welcome! 欢迎!

Thank you for the interest in Keru FIELD programs. Before filling out the application form, please make sure you have thoroughly read the program brochure. If not, please contact Keru Service for brochures. 感谢申请Keru实地项目。在填写申请表前,请确保您已经认真读完项目手册。可以联系Keru小助手索要手册(We Chat: keruservice)
* English Name 英文姓名
* Chinese Name in Chinese Characters 中文姓名,汉字填写
If you don't have one, just put down NONE
* Date of Birth 出生日期
yyyy/mm/dd e.g. 2002/06/23
* Gender 性别
* Nationality 国籍
* Hometown 家乡所在地
* Current School of Attendance 在读学校
* Current Grade or the one you just graduated from 目前所在年级或刚刚毕业年级
* Which program are you applying for?  您希望申请哪个项目? 【请选择1-2项】
For program with multiple dates choices, please specify the preferred dates. 多个时间的项目,请在方框内填写所选择的时间。
* Where did you hear about Keru? 请问哪里得知Keru?
* Are you a Keru alumni? 请问您是 Keru的校友吗?
has attended Keru Program before 曾经参加过Keru项目
* Participant Phone 参与者手机号码
* Participant WeChat Account 参与者微信账号
Please note that Keru Service will friend you on WeChat for the next step

(If you don't have WeChat, just put down NONE, we will follow up through Email)
* Guardian Name & Relationship to Participant 监护人姓名 & 与参与者关系
* Guardian Phone 监护人手机号
* Participating Student's Email 参与学生的邮箱
* Will you be traveling  to (or departing from) Guangdong within 14 days before the program starts? 请问您会在项目开始前14天内到访广东地区吗? 
  • If yes, please specify
Thank you for applying for Keru for FIELD programs. We will contact you within 3 ~ working days.