2019全球集思論壇報名表單 Application Form

You may complete this form in both English and Chinese, and please read the guide for each question before answering. 

請注意:在填妥所有報名問題並且上傳您的Essay後,申請才完成。當籌備團隊審核完畢您的申請內容後,會以E-mail通知您是否錄取。若您成功錄取2019 GIS Taiwan,籌備團隊會提供您一個「集思代號」以及一個「繳費代號」,以便您完成後續的繳費流程。

To apply for as a delegate in 2019 GIS Taiwan, you must complete all sections of the application form and upload your answer for the essay questions. Once we have processed your submitted application, we will email you a unique GIS ID number and a Payment Code along with instructions on how to complete the payment process for 2019 GIS Taiwan. 

If you have any question, please contact delegateaffair@gis-taiwan.ntu.edu.tw or send a message via our facebook page.
You may complete this form in both English and Chinese, and please read the guide for each question before answering. 
是的,我同意。Yes, I agree.
否,我不同意。No, I do not agree.