
Welcome to our App support and feedback website. We take your suggestions and feedback very seriously, and you can submit comments or suggestions about our products directly through this website. Thank you for your trust and support!
1. 如您在产品使用过程中遇到任何问题,或有任何意见和建议,请直接在这里告诉我们。 If you have any problems when using our product, or have any comments or suggestions, please let us know.
2.如您有相关问题或反馈的截图,请在这里提交。If you have screenshots of the relevant issue or feedback, please submit them here.
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3.请留下您的电子邮箱地址。Please give us your Email address.
4.如方便,请告知您的电话号码。If it is convenient, please provide your phone number.
5.如方便,请告知您的QQ号码。If it is convenient, please provide your QQ number.
6.总体来说,您对本App的满意程度是?(10分表示非常满意,1分表示非常不满意,分数越低表示满意度越低)Choose your overall rating of  this App ? (10 points means very satisfied, 1 point means very dissatisfied, the lower the score means less satisfaction) 
7.您是否愿意继续使用本App?(10分表示非常愿意,1分表示非常不愿意,分数越低表示继续使用意愿越低)Are you willing to continue using this App? (10 points means very willing, 1 point means very unwilling, the lower the score means the lower the willingness to continue to use) 
8.您是否愿意推荐身边的人(亲朋好友)使用本App?(10分表示非常愿意,1分表示非常不愿意,分数越低表示推荐意愿越低)Are you willing to recommend this app to people around you (relatives or friends) ? (10 points means very willing, 1 point means very unwilling, the lower the score means the lower the recommendation willingness)
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