デロイト コンサルティング要員・人件費の生産性に関するベンチマーク調査&診断2019年度版
Deloitte Benchmark Survey & Diagnostic Check 2019 for Workforce Planning
and Labor Cost Management
众所周知,广泛收集、分析信息对于准确的经营决策至关重要,但目前在中国获得劳动力及人工成本方面的有效对标数据仍然十分困难,所以我们需要您的帮助以成功搜集这些信息。 通过协助我们完成调查,获取行业对标分析报告,将为各企业在劳动力和人工成本管理上带来重要作用。
It is essential to gather and analyse extensive amounts of information in order to make proper business decisions. However, the reality is that it is difficult to obtain useful benchmark data regarding workforce planning and labor cost management in China. Under these circumstances, this benchmark survey can provide valuable information for business decisions. The benchmark survey report based on this survey provides important and helpful information for participating companies to manage workforce planning and labor cost.
※In addition, the benchmark survey report is provided free of charge only to participating companies around January2019.
※The aggregated data based on the participating companies’ answers of the questionnaire will be categorized and organized by industry, number of employees, company size, sales volume, region, etc. (Approx. 150 pages)
※ Please be noted that although the application form is provided with English version, the survey will be provided with only Chinese and Japanese version.