ChemLinked Limited-time Offer: All Online Course FREE

Dear Members,


Our New Section Online Course has been launched for 5 months and has received many good reviews from our members. 


Here we would like to give sincere thanks for your continued support and trust in the past. As a  reward, all online courses will be FREE for all members from June 19th, 2018 to June 25th, 2018. Please be aware that ChemLinked(food) premium members can freely access those online courses. 


Book with us today for your free offers!

Please choose the online course that you want 【Multiple】
Please leave your ChemLinked account so we can open your access to the online courses. If you are new to ChemLinked, please register here first and leave your new account here:
If you would like to share any additional suggestion on building a better ChemLinked food portal or any content you would like to see in the future, please share with us: